The Traditional Gate of Angkul - Angkul

Location of water tower at building space sometime bothers seen and form of building. Puri Brata architecture design consultant gives good solution to fix this problem. They learn this problem with Atonio Ismail architect from Bali to improve existence of water tower at identical modern building with traditional house of Bali concept. They give solution being based on traditional design of Bali as the design reference. Exploiting form of traditional Bali house in the form of pure or pagoda is made place of water tower and safety post of house security, village or hotels. They call it as “angkul-angkul”. This building has multifunction concept that is as a place of water tower in upper floor and at 1’floor utilized as security post, while location of building doesn't destroy site existing by utilizing it as balcony view or gate sculpture to inside the building. This building also can be utilized as genset space at basement, causing can damp vibration. Usage of nature material indirectly gives added value acoustical space. Stone utilized is “paras” stone from Wonosari town, mount Kidul, bantul, Yogyakarta. This stone has natural acoustical sound silencer of which is good enough with decibel high damps. The workmanship is hardly easy, because this stone doesn't ossify and easy to formed but can detain heavy burden carefully.

Form of this entirety makes traditional building identity still be enthused at modern era of minimalist housing because having homey and natural character and easy with maintenance treatment. If the stones have wild crops and moss, hence the angle design is increasingly harmonious with locality existing site.

1 Response to "The Traditional Gate of Angkul - Angkul"

el-muis said...

Balognya bagus banget.......Salam kenal ya....bisa berbagi informasi seputar arsitektur...kunjungi juga blogku...
